50+ Farming and grinding WOW Classic Gold - Great Exp and 8 Gold per Hour

imbuygold Date: Sep/05/19 16:32:05 Views: 2191

We know this place has been mentioned before but We thought go into it with a bit more detail, The place im talking about is Fungal rock in Un Goro Crater, the gorilla cave. The Mob's here are lvl 51-53 we think with the exception of the boss who is 55. We ground here yesterday for exactly an hour to see how much We could make, with a 60 warrior. The loot here is pretty good the mobs drop hair, whiskers and things which sell for a fair bit this is what We made in an hour.

50+ Farming and grinding WOW Classic Gold - Great Exp and 8 Gold per Hour

- 19 x Tuft of Gorilla Hair which sold 22 Gold
- 18 x Gorilla Fang 13s
- 2 x Empty Barrel 30s
- 3 x Coarse gorilla hair 18s
- 1 x Green Item(Leather Pants) which were 1. 1g at the vendor, but We sold for 4.2g on AH
- 12 X Ungoro Soil 15s

So out of this hour We made -8 or so, which isn't bad for 1 hour = then again drops will vary you might get more WOW Classic Gold. you might get less but its usually good. Anyway ill do a few more of these soon, I've got a lot more places to list if ppl want me to.